David Slusky

David Slusky
  • Professor of Economics
  • Professor of Population Health (by courtesy)
  • Chair, Speech-Language-Hearing
  • Executive Director, American Society of Health Economics

Contact Info

335 Snow Hall


C.V. (PDF)

I'm an applied micro-economist.

My research is on health economics, labor economics, and public policy.

At the University of Kansas, I'm affiliated with the Department of Economics, the Department of Population Health (by courtesy), and the Institute for Policy & Social Research.

I also serve as the Chair of the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorders at the University of Kansas and the Executive Director of the American Society of Health Economists.

I'm a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a Research Fellow at IZA - Institute for Labor Economics in Bonn, Germany.


University of Kansas Courses

ECON 177 First-Year Seminar on the Affordable Care Act Syllabus (PDF) (Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Fall 2020)

ECON 520 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Syllabus (PDF) (Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2019)

ECON 640/641 Labor Economics Syllabus (PDF) (Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020)

ECON 919 Graduate Health Economics [Syllabus (PDF)] (Fall 2019, Spring 2021, Spring 2023)

Princeton University Courses

ECO 202 Statistics and Data Analysis for Economics with Professor Ulrick K. Mueller (Spring 2013)

WWS 307 / ECO 349 Public Economics with Professor Elizabeth C. Bogan (Fall 2012, Fall 2013)

ECO 981 Junior Independent Work, Workshop on "Writing an Economics Prospectus" with Dr. Judith Swan (Fall 2012, Fall 2013)

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

"COVID-19 Restrictions Reduced Abortion Clinic Visits, Even in Blue States" (with Martin Andersen and Sylvia Bryan), Accepted, Journal of Human Resources.

      Selected Press: KU Today.

"Medical School Ranking & Provider Outpatient Medicare Part D Claims for Antibiotics Among Older Patients in the US” (with Mayar Al Mohajer, David Nix, and Catia Nicodemo), JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, 2024, 6(6): 1–7.

"The Impact of Mpox Incidence and Mpox First Dose Vaccination on Recent HIV Testing (with Rebecca Linfield and Leon Mosktel), AIDS,2024, 38(10): 1595–1597.

The Impact of COVID-19 Incidence on Emergency Medical Services Utilization” (with Leon Moskatel), Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2024, 65(2): E111–E118.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Alcohol Sales and Consumption: A Retrospective, Observational Analysis” (with Leon Moskatel), Alcohol, 2023, 111: 25–31.

Texas Senate Bill 8 Significantly Reduced Travel to Abortion Clinics in Texas and Increased Out-of-state Visits” (with Martin Andersen, Chris Marsicano, and Mayra Pineda Torres). Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2023, 4.

"The 1982 Medicaid Funding Cessation for Circumcision and Regional Circumcision Rates" (with Rebecca Linfield and Ryan Wendling), AIDS & Behavior, 2022, 27: 1647–1662.

"Blood Lead Testing in Flint Before and After Water Contamination" (with Derek JenkinsDan Grossman, and Shooshan Danagoulian).  Pediatrics, 2022, e2022056541.

"Health Care Following Environmental Disasters: Evidence from Flint” (formerly "Office Visits Preventing Emergency Room Visits: Evidence from the Flint Water Switch") (with Shooshan Danagoulian and Dan Grossman), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2022, 41: 1060–1089.

      Selected Press: KU Today.

"Health, Employment, and Disability: Implications from the Undocumented Population" (with George Borjas). American Journal of Health Economics, 2022, 8(1): 1–29.

"Did Medicaid Expansion Reduce Medical Divorce?" (with Donna Ginther). Review of Economics of the Household, 2021, 19: 1139–1174.

      Selected Press: San Francisco ChronicleAmerican Journal of Managed CareSlateKU TodayVoxFortune MagazineWIBWBecker's Hospital ReviewMen's Health MagazineThe Incidental EconomistNPRThe Washington PostThe Kansas City Starand Modern Healthcare.

"The impact of driving time to family planning facilities on preventive service use in Ohio" (with Jacqueline Ellison, Kevin Griffith, Madalyn Thursby, and Jacob Bor). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2021, 60(4): 542–545.

      Selected Press: KU Today

"Sunlight and Protection Against Influenza" (with [Richard Zeckhauser]), Economics & Human Biology, 2021, 40: 100942.

      Selected Press: KU TodayMarginal Revolution.

"Converting between dates in the Hebrew and Roman Calendars" (with John Conway and Gabrielle Agus), College Mathematics Journal2020, 51(5): 322–329.

"Children’s Health and Income: Evolution of the Gradient" (with Conner Falke), Applied Economics Letters, 2020, 27(10): 816–822.

"The Impact of the Flint Water Crisis on Fertility" (with Dan Grossman), Demography, 2019, 56(6): 2005–2031. [Accepted: Manuscript(PDF)Appendix (PDF)]

      Selected Press: KU TodayBusiness InsiderCBS NewsThe Daily MailThe Detroit Free PressThe EconomistEsquireThe Huffington PostPBS NewsWait Wait...Don't Tell Me!The Washington Postand WURD.

"The Impact of Women’s Health Clinic Closures on Fertility" (with Yao Lu),  American Journal of Health Economics, 2019, 5(3): 334–359.

      Selected Press: KU Today.

"Did UberX Reduce Ambulance Volume?" (with Leon Moskatel), Health Economics, 2019, 28(7): 817–829.

      Selected Press: KU TodayThe Mercury NewsMD MagazineThe Huffington PostBaltimore CBS LocalCNBCThe New York PostFuturismCity LabKansas City NBC 41Marginal RevolutionNPRThe Daily Mailand Kansas City Fox 4, and The New York Times.

"Reproductive Health Care in Catholic-Owned Hospitals" (with Elaine Hill and Donna Ginther), Journal of Health Economics, 2019, 65:48–62.

      Selected Press: StatNewsScientific American, and Modern Healthcare.

"With and Without the Tracks: How Railroad Access Impacts Gas Price Elasticity” (with Alex Kaechele), Applied Economics Letters, 2018, 25(16): 1113–1116.

      Selected Press: KU Today.

"Significant Placebo Results in Difference-in-Differences Analysis: The Case of the ACA’s Parental Mandate"Eastern Economic Journal2017, 43(4): 580–603.

"Defunding Women's Health Clinics Exacerbates Hispanic Disparity in Preventive Care"Economic Letters, 2017, 156: 61–64.

      Selected Press: KU Today.

"Second Trimester Sunlight and Asthma: Evidence from Two Independent Studies" (with Nils Wernerfelt and [Richard Zeckhauser), American Journal of Health Economics, 2017, 3(2): 227–253.

      Selected Press: Harvard Kennedy School ArticlesFiveThirtyEightKU Todayand Yahoo News.

"The Impact of Women's Health Clinic Closures on Preventive Care" (with Yao Lu), American Economics Journal: Applied Economics, 2016, 8(3): 100–124.

      Selected Press: Capital IdeasVoxKU Today, Channel 6 Lawrence News, The University Daily KansanNPRAEA Research HighlightsThe Academic Health Economists' Blogand The Dallas Morning News.

Book Chapters

"Birth Spacing and Educational Outcomes" (with Elaine Hill),  Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 2017, 25:3–29.

Working Papers

Accessing the Safety Net: How Medicaid Affects Health and Recidivism” (with Analisa Packham). NBER Working Paper No. 31971 & IZA Discussion Paper No. 16665.

Occupational Hazard? An Analysis of Birth Outcomes Among Physician Mothers” (with Bapu Jena and Lilly Springer). NBER Working Paper No. 31955 & IZA Discussion Paper No. 16655.

"Does the Marginal Hospitalization Save Lives? The Case of Respiratory Admissions for the Elderly" (with Janet Currie), NBER Working Paper No. 26618IZA Discussion Paper No. 12879.

      Selected Press: KU Today.

"Within Mother Effects of Birth Weight on Educational Outcomes" (with Elaine Hill).

"Does the ACA's Medicaid Expansion Improve Health?" (with Rina Na).

Selected Presentations


NPR Morning Edition (Medical Divorce)

March 8th, 2017

Tell Me Something I Don't Know (Medical Divorce)

June 27th, 2017

Medic2Medic Podcast (Uber and Ambulances)

January 7th, 2018

NPR Morning Edition (Affordable Care Act)

October 22, 2018

EMS World Prehospital Care Research Forum's Journal Club Podcast (Uber and Ambulances)

August 12th, 2019
Transcript available on request

WNYC The Takeaway (Surprise Medical Bills)

August 14th, 2019

The Hidden Curriculum

July 13th, 2021

At the Square: The Economics of Roe v. Wade

July 12th, 2022

Searching for Medicine‘s Soul

December 15th, 2022


KU News Service (Women's Health Clinics)

July 6th, 2017

American Public Square (Affordable Care Act)

February 1st, 2018
Transcript available on request

American Public Square (Medicaid Expansion)

November 4th, 2019

Voice of America Ukraine

July 9th, 2020
Transcript available on request

Hadar Institute (Every Choice Matters: Confronting and Embracing Risk with Rabbi Aviva Richman)

November 2nd, 2020
Transcript available on request

Shutz Lecture on Teaching Economics Research

May 12th, 2021

KTWU I've Got Issues

September 16th, 2022

American Public Square (Abortion)

April 24th, 2023

Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce Forum on Medicaid Expansion

September 27th, 2023


32nd Annual James E. Seaver Lecture poster


Grants & Other Funded Activity

Poster for the Kansas Health Economics Conference featuring a call for papers, including details about the keynote speaker Thomas DeLeire from Georgetown University, the location at the University of Kansas Alumni Center in Lawrence, KS, the date of March 23, 2020, deadlines for paper submissions and acceptance notifications, and information about the local organizing committee and submission process.

Kansas Health Economics Conference

Keynote Speaker:

Thomas Deleire
Thomas DeLeire (Georgetown University)

Location: University of Kansas Alumni Center, Lawrence, KS

Date: March 23, 2020

Deadline for paper submissions: December 1, 2019

Decision of acceptance: January 1, 2020

Submissions will be considered for both 30-minute presentations (followed by comments from a discussant and 10-minute pitch-style presentations).

Local Organizing Committee:

David Slusky (KU), Donna Ginther (KU), Tami Gurley-Calvez (KUMC), Didem Tüzemen (KC Fed), Benjamin Schwab (K-State), Amanda Gaulke (K-State), Christopher Garmon (UMKC)

For more information or comments:


David Slusky
University of Kansas
Snow Hall , 335
1460 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence , Kansas 66045

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